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Heart Surgery Teaching 1844

Instructed patient It will take 4-6 weeks to heal completely after surgery. During this time, it is normal to: Have mild trouble with short-term memory or feel confused or “fuzzy-headed”Feel tired or have little energy,Have mild trouble with short-term memory or feel confused or “fuzzy-headed”, Feel tired or have little energy, Have trouble sleeping. You should be sleeping normally within a few months. Have some shortness of breath, Have weakness in your arms for the first month, Have trouble sleeping. You should be sleeping normally within a few months. Have some shortness of breath. Have weakness in your arms for the first month

Heart Surgery Teaching 1845

Instructed patient call your doctor or nurse if: You have chest pain or shortness of breath that does not go away when you rest. You have pain in and around your incision that does not continue to get better at home.Your pulse feels irregular it is very slow (fewer than 60 beats a minute) or very fast (over 100 to 120 beats a minute).

Heart Surgery Teaching 1896

Instructed patient contact your doctor immediately if you have a fever, chills, redness, bleeding, irregular heart beat, chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, or dizziness. Report redness, swelling, increased drainage or excessive pain at the surgical incision.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1796

Instructed patient stop any activity immediately if you feel short of breath, notice irregular heart beats, feel faint or dizzy, or have chest pain. Rest until the symptoms subside. If they do not subside within 20 minutes, notify your doctor.

Heart Surgery Teaching 1802

Instructed patient Lifting: You should not put too much strain on your sternum while it is healing. Avoid lifting, pushing, or pulling anything heavier than 10 pounds for six weeks after surgery. This includes carrying children, groceries,suitcases, mowing the grass, vacuuming, and moving furniture. Don’t hold your breath during any activity, especially when lifting anything or when using the rest

Heart Surgery Teaching 1843

Instructed patient stop your activity if you feel short of breath, dizzy, or have any pain in your chest. Do not do any activity or exercise that causes pulling or pain across your chest, (such as using a rowing machine, twisting, or lifting weights.)